Mr Rupert Wharton

BM BSc FRCS (Tr and Orth) Dip Hand Surg (Br and Eur)

July 2023

Abridged Curriculum Vitae click here



Volar plating of the Scaphoid
Wharton R, Hayton M
In Masters Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Wrist 2024 (Moran, Rizzo)
Wolters Kluwer (In Press)

Chronic Reconstruction (ligamentoplasties): Open treatment
Wharton R, Hayton M
In Carpal Ligament Injuries and Instability: FESSH Instructional 2023 (Heras-Palou, Corella, Luchetti) Thieme
ISBN: 9783132451896

Dupuytren’s Disease (In Press)
Wharton R, Heras-Palou C
In Orthopaedics and Trauma (Current Concepts and Best Practices) 2023 (Drs Slullitel, Ross, Camino-Willhuber) Springer
ISBN: 9783031305177

Does delaying surgery increase mortality for hip fracture patients?
Wharton R, Ibrahim E
In 50 Studies every Orthopaedic Surgeon should know (Michael E Hochman) Oxford Medicine (In Press)



Short to medium term outcomes following Amandys pyrocarbon wrist replacement: 20 consecutive cases from a tertiary referral centre
Wharton R, Sigamoney K, Hayton M
Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume 2023 (epub DOI: 10.1177/17531934231168749)

Freedom total wrist arthroplasty: Short-term follow up
Brown M, Wharton R, Begum R, Trail I, Hayton M, Talwalkar S
Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume 2023
PMID: 37694732

Arthroscopic capsular shrinkage is safe and effective in the treatment of mid-carpal instability in a paediatric population: a single centre experience of 51 cases
Wharton R, Lindau T, Oestreich K
Journal of Wrist Surgery 2022;12(03):239-247
PMID: 37223383

Bilateral STT arthrodesis in a young patient with occult proximal row coalition
Wharton R, Ahearne D
Journal of Wrist Surgery 2021 Dec 13;11(6):546-549
PMID: 36504535

HIV related infection in the hand: a systematic review with case illustrations
Scarborough A, Wharton R, Nelson M, Horwitz M
Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice 2022. 30(2)e1122

Assessment of supination block after distal radius fracture: hypermobility complicates clinical assessment following trauma
Wharton R, Ahearne D
Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume 2021. 46(6):674-6
PMID: 33541225

Traction table set up to overcome fixed flexion of the hip and knee for extracapsular fractures
Furey J, Wharton R, Singh K
Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2021. 103(8)622-623
PMID: 34464562

The impact of COVID-19 on the future of orthopaedic training in the UK
Dattani R, Morgan C, Li, L, Bennett-Brown, K, Wharton R
Acta Orthopaedica 2020. 91(6)627-632
PMID: 32731774

Anatomic, diagnostic and management challenges in Paediatric Pelvic injuries: a review
Wharton R, Trowbridge S, Simpson, S, Sarraf K, Jabbar Y
Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics B 2019. 28(5):476-86
PMID: 31348138

Weight bearing in Ankle Fractures – an Audit of UK Practice
The BONE Collaborative, Wharton R
The Foot 2019. 39:28-36
PMID: 30933870

Acute flexor tendon injury following midshaft radius and ulna fractures in a paediatric patient
Williams J, Wharton R, Peev P, Horwitz M
Trauma Case Reports (Injury) 2018. 15:1-3
PMID: 29876494

An audit of clinical training exposure amongst junior doctors working in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery in 101 hospitals in the United Kingdom
Rashid M, Wharton R, BOTA Collaborators
BMC Medical Education 2018. 18:1
PMID: 29291730

Early Management of Major Trauma in the Older Adult Patient
Richardson C, Wharton R, Pearse M
Foundation Years Journal 2018. 12(5):30-37

Venous flaps for coverage of traumatic soft tissue defects of the hand: a systematic review
Wharton R, Creasy H, Bain C, James M, Fox A
J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2017. 42(8):817-822
PMID: 28605949

Subchondral Haematoma: the missing link in Haemophilic Arthropathy?
Wharton R, Austin S, Back D
Hamostasiologie 2017. 37(2):104-106
PMID: 27598535

The Impact of Operating Room Distractions on Stress, Workload, and Teamwork
Wheelock A, Suliman A, Wharton R, Babu E, Hull, L, Vincent C, Sevdalis, N, Arora S
Annals of Surgery 2015. 261(6):1079-84
PMID: 26291954

Fatigue Fractures of total knee prostheses - a cause of knee pain.
Sarraf K, Abdul-Jabbar H, Wharton R, Shah G, Singer G
Bull Hosp Jt Dis 2014. 72(3):242-6
PMID: 25429394

Segond fracture in an adult is not pathognomonic for ACL injury
Wharton R, Henckel J, Bhattee G, Ball S, Church S
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2014. 23(7):1925-8
PMID: 24687316

The dangers of injecting blind: Abductor pollicis longus tendon rupture in de Quervain’s disease
Wharton R, Thaya M, Eckersley R
J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2014. 40(3):322-3
PMID: 24578464

Sacral Stress Fracture in an amateur rower without female athlete triad
Tudor E, Wharton R, Eseonu K
Gazz Med Ital - Arch Sci Med 2014. 173:1-2

Ilizarov apparatus in Cambodia: a review of its history and versatility in a resources poor region.
Wharton R, Zeidler S, Gollogly J, Ngiep OC, Aird J
Asian Biomed 2013. 7 (6) 885-892

Effectiveness and efficiency of teamwork in surgery: Development and validation of a Metric for Evaluating Task Execution in the Operating Room (METEOR)
Russ S, Arora S, Wharton R, Wheelock A, Sharma E, Hull L, Darzi A, Vincent C, Sevdalis N
J Am Coll Surg. 2013. 216 (3): 472-81
PMID: 23357728

A Comparison of rectilinear and truncated exponential biphasic waveforms in elective cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: a prospective randomized controlled trial
Deakin D, Connelly S, Wharton R, Yuen HM
Resuscitation. 2013. 84 (3): 286-91
PMID: 22842285

Systematic Review of Small Bowel Diaphragm Disease Requiring Surgery
Slesser A, Wharton R, Smith G, Buchanan G
Colorectal Dis 2012. 14 (7): 804-13
PMID: 21812898

Charcot Neuroarthropathy in a Patient with Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Amin A, Wharton R, Dornhorst A
The Diabetic Foot Journal 2011.14(3):130-133



Adaptability and Reactivity in a Modern NHS facing COVID-19 – the Benefits of Military Logistics and Leadership Support
Wharton R
The Naval Review 2021

How I got in to Orthopaedics – Rupert Wharton: my story
Wharton R
Orthopaedics and Trauma 2016. 20(1) 87-88

The ST3 Interview – Securing your number
Wharton R
British Orthopaedic Trainees Association Handbook 2016

Tales from Angkor - Lessons in Limb Reconstruction in Cambodia
Wharton R
British Orthopaedic Trainees Association Handbook 2012