Diploma Resources

Diploma Revision aids

The following podcasts were recorded during my time revising for interviews and exams across the years. They are intended to allow the user to have a flow of information while on the move, to minimise downtime in the run up to exams. As such there may be occasional errors, or there may be relevant literature updates which have not been included. They are therefore intended to compliment your revision if you find this type of method useful, but I would encourage you to cross-correlate the information with your own reading.

The material is drawn from different sources including the Pulvertaft lecture series run by Carlos Heras-Palou (see generic resources section). The talks given by Donald Sammut and Mireia Espulgas form some of the material. Others were created from my notes following various BSSH Instructional courses with multiple speakers providing material. The 'secrets' podcasts were drawn from the book Hand Secrets used for diploma revision.
You are welcome to use them for your own revision, but they should not be used in any formal capacity without permission. I have tried to reference the material where relevant in the text that accompanies each podcast.

Basic science of cartilage muscle and tendon

Biomechanics of Hand and wrist 1


BSSH instructional nerve 2

BSSH instructional nerve injury

Congenital hand 2

CTS CRPS nerve injury

Donald Sammut 1 – biomechanics of intrinsics

Donald Sammut 2 – tendon transfers

Dupuytren’s chapter

Hand miscellaneous 1

Hand secrets - anatomy

Mireia Esplugas base of thumb

Ossification order of carpal bones

Plexus summary

Rheumatoid JIA

Secrets biomechanics of hand and wrist

Secrets examination of the hand

Secrets neurologic evaluation

Soft tissue reconstruction of upper extremity

Steps of pollicisation

Top 100 secrets

Wrist instability CHP Garcia Elias

Wrist references

 © rupertwharton.com

Rupert Wharton, Hand surgeon in Central London (King Edward VII) and South West London (New Victoria and Kingston Private Health)